Dec 19, 2009

Vijay Bankar Is New Maharashtra Kesari

Pune News

Vijay Bankar from Pune became the Maharahstra Kesari this year. He defeated Saeed Chaus from Beed in a largely attended wrestling fight.

Maharashtra Kesari is the most prestigious wrestling title in the state. This year's fight took place at Mamasaheb Mohol stadium in Sangvi. The high votage show reached to its zenith when many viewers broke into the ground forcing police to lathicharge them.

Vijay Bankar is a product of Rustum-e-Hind Harishchandra Birajdar of Gokul Talim. He dedicated his title to his late father Hiraman Bankar. With this win, Maharashtra Kesari has returned to Pune after full 33 years. Coincidentally, the last time this title came to the city through a win by Hiraman Bankar.

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