मुजफ्फरनगर। जनता इंटर कालेज पचैंडाकलां में आयोजित विराट दंगल में हुई कुश्तियों में पहलवानों ने दमखम दिखाया। 51 हजार रुपये के इनाम की कुश्ती बराबरी पर छूटी।
शहीद बचन सिंह एवं स्व. अरुण पहलवान की याद में शनिवार को दो दिवसीय दंगल का उद्घाटन संजीव रायल ने फीता काटकर किया। ढोल नगाड़ो व रणसिंघों की थाप पर कुश्ती प्रतियोगिता में जमकर आतिशबाजी हुई। पहलवानों ने दांवपेंच दिखाते हुए एक दूसरे को पटखनी दी। 51 हजार की कुश्ती विक्की पहलवान गढ़ी व बिरजू पहलवान बदरी अखाड़ा दिल्ली के बीच हुई जो बराबरी पर छूटी। रेफरी मांगेराम पचेंडा व यूसुफ प्रधान मखियाली रहे। नकुल चौधरी ने कामेंट्री की। प्रेम पहलवान बहादुरगढ़ हरियाणा, बिलाल गंगेरू, सुमित लखान, बिल्लू दाहा, उमेश, गौरव शाहपुर, अंकुर दाहा, शाकिर, प्रदीप बघरा, अनिल शाहपुर के बीच कुश्ती हुईं। विजेता पहलवानों को पुरस्कार प्रदान किये। उप विजेताओं को सांत्वना पुरस्कार दिए। अर्जुन पहलवान ने बताया कि रविवार को ओलंपिक पदक विजेता पहलवान सुशील कुमार, अर्जुन अवार्डी अनुज चौधरी, भारत केसरी राजीव तोमर, शोकेंद्र तोमर आदि के बीच कुश्ती होगी। प्रधान चौ. धर्मवीर सिंह, कालेज प्रबंधक चौ. ब्रह्म सिंह, सुरेंद्रवीर सिंह, रामपाल सिंह, देवेंद्र, बिजेंद्र, राजीव कुमार, मुलकराज, कामिल आदि उपस्थित रहे।
Contributions Welcome
This blog belongs to everyone interested in preserving and promoting traditional Indian wrestling. Please feel free to contribute photos, videos, links to news articles or your own blog posts. E-mail contributions to kushtiwrestling@gmail.com.
Feb 26, 2014
Hajrat Lakhdata Peer Dangal of Nahan
Nahan is famous for the local traditions and recently I got a chance to watch the 43rd Annual Hajrat Lakhdata Peer Sahib Dangal which took place at the dangal ground adjacent to the Lakhdata Peer shirne in Puccka Tank Nahan. There were 50 participants from Haryana, Punjab, Himachal Pradesh, UP and Delhi, who took part in the famous dangal and the final fight was between Kashmiri from Himachal Police team and Sukhwinder Singh who came from Merrut.
Although the finale fight was a draw because both the wrestlers were totally awesome. After the end of the final fight, there was a rumali fight which is an open challenge. It was between Kashmiri and Thapa from Nepal. The Chief Guest, Sh. Amarjit Singh Parmar was thrilled to see the performance.
I was amazed to see the wrestling as it was my first time to watch such an amazing game. I just loved the way the wrestlers were welcomed with drums and the drummers Moin Ahmed, Gulshan Ahmed, Bobby bhai ji did a great job. The welcome ceremony was done by Gafur Ahmed uncle who is a common face at the Lakhdata Peer Darhgah of Nahan.
After the dangal I had a few words with Gafur uncle and he told me that there is an amazing past attached to the famous dangal of Nahan. The dangal takes place a day before the famous Renuka Ji fair. The participants of the Renukaji fair dangal used to visit Nahan a day before the fair and they used to practice in the same place during Gafur uncle’s grandfather, Mohammad Baksh’s days. Baksh was a wrestling enthusiast and after his death, in his memory, each year the Hajrat Lakhdata Peer Dangal of Nahan takes place.
Having such tradition each year in my own town was so irresistible that I couldn’t stop myself from being a part of the crowd watching the game of strength and spirit. Such games are an example of brotherhood and passing it on the to the next generation is just too amazing as it will help in preserving the culture and tradition.
Images Via: Cheena Photographer Nahan
Nahan is famous for the local traditions and recently I got a chance to watch the 43rd Annual Hajrat Lakhdata Peer Sahib Dangal which took place at the dangal ground adjacent to the Lakhdata Peer shirne in Puccka Tank Nahan. There were 50 participants from Haryana, Punjab, Himachal Pradesh, UP and Delhi, who took part in the famous dangal and the final fight was between Kashmiri from Himachal Police team and Sukhwinder Singh who came from Merrut.
Although the finale fight was a draw because both the wrestlers were totally awesome. After the end of the final fight, there was a rumali fight which is an open challenge. It was between Kashmiri and Thapa from Nepal. The Chief Guest, Sh. Amarjit Singh Parmar was thrilled to see the performance.
I was amazed to see the wrestling as it was my first time to watch such an amazing game. I just loved the way the wrestlers were welcomed with drums and the drummers Moin Ahmed, Gulshan Ahmed, Bobby bhai ji did a great job. The welcome ceremony was done by Gafur Ahmed uncle who is a common face at the Lakhdata Peer Darhgah of Nahan.
After the dangal I had a few words with Gafur uncle and he told me that there is an amazing past attached to the famous dangal of Nahan. The dangal takes place a day before the famous Renuka Ji fair. The participants of the Renukaji fair dangal used to visit Nahan a day before the fair and they used to practice in the same place during Gafur uncle’s grandfather, Mohammad Baksh’s days. Baksh was a wrestling enthusiast and after his death, in his memory, each year the Hajrat Lakhdata Peer Dangal of Nahan takes place.
Having such tradition each year in my own town was so irresistible that I couldn’t stop myself from being a part of the crowd watching the game of strength and spirit. Such games are an example of brotherhood and passing it on the to the next generation is just too amazing as it will help in preserving the culture and tradition.
Images Via: Cheena Photographer Nahan
Feb 20, 2014
By Deepak Ansuia Prasad
दंगल - रमाणा गाँव, कैथल हरयाणा , सौजन्य से जितेंदर पहलवान !
शनिवार, 8 फरवरी को सुबह हम दिल्ली से रमाणा गाँव, कैथल हरयाणा के लिए चले तो रास्ते में फसलों से लहलहाते खेत, तालाब, और अलग -कामों में लगे लोग एक खूबसूरत चल चित्र कि तरह आँखों के सामने से गुजरते रहे! मुझे हमेशा सफ़र में , खिड़की से बहार देखना बहुत अच्छा लगता हैं , न जाने कब , देखते देखते कैथल जा पहंचे , वहाँ जितेंदर पहलवान ने पुंडरी में हमें लिव लाने एक पहलवान को भेजा जिससे दंगल कि जगह , रमाणा के स्कूल पहुँचने में परेशानी न हुई. रमाणा गाँव के बजरंगी अखाडा व् जनसेवा ट्रस्ट के प्रधान जितेंदर पहलवान ने जो मेरे मित्र भी हैं , गाँव में एक कुश्ती दंगल का आयोजन किया था और मुझे दंगल देखने के लिए आमंत्रित किया था! मै ह्रदय से उनका आभार व्यक्त करता हूँ, जितेंदर पहलवान रमाणा गाँव में अध्यापक है,और अखाडा भी चलाते है और रमाणा गाँव में अच्छे पहलवान तैयार कर रहे हैं. दंगल के अंतिम क्षणो तक दर्शकों ने शांति के साथ दंगल देखा,बढ़िया साउंड , अखाड़े कि बढ़िया मिटटी, विशिष्ट अतिथियों के लिए बैठने के लिए स्टेज व् अखाड़े के पास ही सोफे व् कुर्सियां , दंगल में सभी के लिए खाने और चाय पानी कि व्यवस्था , के चलते रमाणा गाँव का यह दंगल एक भव्य और शानदार दंगल रहा! सभी पहलवानो को बढ़िया नकद इनाम दिए गए, दंगल में सभी अतिथियों व् गुरु खलीफाओं का स्वागत किया गया व् मोमेंटो भेंट किये गए , दंगल कि सभी कुश्तियां आप मेरे यूटूब चैनलhttp://www.youtube.com/ansuia1974 पे देख सकते हैं, व् दंगल कि एक डिटेल्ड रिपोर्ट हिंदी व् इंग्लिश में न्यूज़ व् सभी फ़ोटो मेरी वेबसाइट पे देख सकते हैं व् फ्री उसे बिना कुछ भुगतान किये आप डाउनलोड कर सकते हैं
Saturday, February 8, 2014.
With my assistant Suraj Pahlwan, I headed towards Kaithal at 7am. It took us time to cross crowded Delhi at peak hours but when we reached the highway we could pedal at the maximum speed. It is always delights me to look out of the window, and this time the green fields, ponds, people working in fields or busy in daily chorus went like a running movie before my eyes. We reached Kaithal almost at 3PM by the time the competition was half over. Jitender pahlwan is my friend who is a teacher at the govt. school of ramana village and also run a very good akhada there welcomed us. The committee headed by him namely Bajrangi Akhada & Jansewa Trust has organized a very big wrestling competition there and we were invited to cover it for our website. I am very much thankful to Jitender pahlwan for inviting me. Jitender pahlwan is also running a very good akhada (traditional wrestling school) in the village.
Wrestlers from nearby states came to participate. One big wrestler Surender came from Delhi to fight first prize match. A wrestler from Kaithal Balvinder accepted hi challenge and their match was announced to be held in the end. I found that the matches here went on for longer time as compared to Delhi and adjoining area. Wrestlers fought well and entertained the fans, who sat peacefully till the end.
Jitender Pahlwan made good arrangements for the dangal including food and tea free for all. As a custom of the dangal all the special invitees, guru, khalifa and coaches were honored. Jitender pahlwan and headman of the village honored me with a momento along with all others.
दंगल - रमाणा गाँव, कैथल हरयाणा , सौजन्य से जितेंदर पहलवान !
शनिवार, 8 फरवरी को सुबह हम दिल्ली से रमाणा गाँव, कैथल हरयाणा के लिए चले तो रास्ते में फसलों से लहलहाते खेत, तालाब, और अलग -कामों में लगे लोग एक खूबसूरत चल चित्र कि तरह आँखों के सामने से गुजरते रहे! मुझे हमेशा सफ़र में , खिड़की से बहार देखना बहुत अच्छा लगता हैं , न जाने कब , देखते देखते कैथल जा पहंचे , वहाँ जितेंदर पहलवान ने पुंडरी में हमें लिव लाने एक पहलवान को भेजा जिससे दंगल कि जगह , रमाणा के स्कूल पहुँचने में परेशानी न हुई. रमाणा गाँव के बजरंगी अखाडा व् जनसेवा ट्रस्ट के प्रधान जितेंदर पहलवान ने जो मेरे मित्र भी हैं , गाँव में एक कुश्ती दंगल का आयोजन किया था और मुझे दंगल देखने के लिए आमंत्रित किया था! मै ह्रदय से उनका आभार व्यक्त करता हूँ, जितेंदर पहलवान रमाणा गाँव में अध्यापक है,और अखाडा भी चलाते है और रमाणा गाँव में अच्छे पहलवान तैयार कर रहे हैं. दंगल के अंतिम क्षणो तक दर्शकों ने शांति के साथ दंगल देखा,बढ़िया साउंड , अखाड़े कि बढ़िया मिटटी, विशिष्ट अतिथियों के लिए बैठने के लिए स्टेज व् अखाड़े के पास ही सोफे व् कुर्सियां , दंगल में सभी के लिए खाने और चाय पानी कि व्यवस्था , के चलते रमाणा गाँव का यह दंगल एक भव्य और शानदार दंगल रहा! सभी पहलवानो को बढ़िया नकद इनाम दिए गए, दंगल में सभी अतिथियों व् गुरु खलीफाओं का स्वागत किया गया व् मोमेंटो भेंट किये गए , दंगल कि सभी कुश्तियां आप मेरे यूटूब चैनलhttp://www.youtube.com/ansuia1974 पे देख सकते हैं, व् दंगल कि एक डिटेल्ड रिपोर्ट हिंदी व् इंग्लिश में न्यूज़ व् सभी फ़ोटो मेरी वेबसाइट पे देख सकते हैं व् फ्री उसे बिना कुछ भुगतान किये आप डाउनलोड कर सकते हैं
Saturday, February 8, 2014.
With my assistant Suraj Pahlwan, I headed towards Kaithal at 7am. It took us time to cross crowded Delhi at peak hours but when we reached the highway we could pedal at the maximum speed. It is always delights me to look out of the window, and this time the green fields, ponds, people working in fields or busy in daily chorus went like a running movie before my eyes. We reached Kaithal almost at 3PM by the time the competition was half over. Jitender pahlwan is my friend who is a teacher at the govt. school of ramana village and also run a very good akhada there welcomed us. The committee headed by him namely Bajrangi Akhada & Jansewa Trust has organized a very big wrestling competition there and we were invited to cover it for our website. I am very much thankful to Jitender pahlwan for inviting me. Jitender pahlwan is also running a very good akhada (traditional wrestling school) in the village.
Wrestlers from nearby states came to participate. One big wrestler Surender came from Delhi to fight first prize match. A wrestler from Kaithal Balvinder accepted hi challenge and their match was announced to be held in the end. I found that the matches here went on for longer time as compared to Delhi and adjoining area. Wrestlers fought well and entertained the fans, who sat peacefully till the end.
Jitender Pahlwan made good arrangements for the dangal including food and tea free for all. As a custom of the dangal all the special invitees, guru, khalifa and coaches were honored. Jitender pahlwan and headman of the village honored me with a momento along with all others.
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